Journal Publications
1.Verlegh, Peeter W.J., and Beth L. Fossen (2024), “This We Promise You,” Journal of Interactive Marketing, forthcoming.
2. Fossen, Beth L., Donggwan Kim, David A. Schweidel, and Raphael Thomadsen* (2022), "The Role of Slant and Message Consistency in Political Advertising Effectiveness: Evidence from the 2016 Presidential Election," Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 20(1), 1-37. *All authors contributed equally and are listed in alphabetical order
3. Shankar, Venkatesh, Dhruv Grewal, Sarang Sunder, Beth L. Fossen, Kay Peters, and Amit Agarwal (2022), "Digital Marketing Communication in Global Marketplaces: A Review of Extant Research, Future Directions, and Potential Approaches," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39(2), 541-565.
4. Fossen, Beth L., and Alexander Bleier* (2021), "Online Program Engagement and Audience Size during Television Ads," Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49, 743-761. *Authors contributed equally
5.Fossen, Beth L., Girish Mallapragada, and Anwesha De (2021), “Impact of Political Television Advertisements on Viewers’ Response to Subsequent Advertisements,” Marketing Science, 40(2), 305-324.
6.Fossen, Beth L., David A. Schweidel, and Michael Lewis (2019), “Examining Brand Strength of Political Candidates: A Performance Premium Approach,” Customer Needs and Solutions, 6(December), 63–75.
7.Fossen, Beth L., and David A. Schweidel (2019), “Measuring the Impact of Product Placement with Brand-related Social Media Conversations and Website Traffic,” Marketing Science, 38(3), 365-541.
8.Fossen, Beth L., and David A. Schweidel (2019), “Social TV, Advertising, and Sales: Are Social Shows Good for Advertisers?,” Marketing Science, 38(2), 274-295.
9.Fossen, Beth L., Michelle Andrews, and David A. Schweidel (2017), “Sociodemographic versus Geographic Proximity in the Diffusion of Online Conversations,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2(2), 246-266.
10.Fossen, Beth L., and David A. Schweidel (2017), “Television Advertising and Online Word-of Mouth: An Empirical Investigation of Social TV Activity,” Marketing Science, 36(1), 105-123.
Selected Working Papers
1. "Effectiveness of Micro Ads on Television," with Philip Kim and Inyoung Chae
2. “When is Emotionality in Political Social Media Communications Not Helpful? The Moderating Role of Audience Diversity,” with David A. Schweidel
3. “Effectiveness of Influencer Marketing for Political Campaigns,” with Philip Kim
5.“Gain Frames in Television Public Service Announcements Actually Work,” with Inyoung Chae
6. “Who They Are and What They Say: The Impact of US Senators’ Identity and Social Media Content on Audience Engagement,” with Girish Mallapragada and Vamsi Kanuri
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